The main protagonist of Transformers: The Movie is not Optimus Prime (the Autobot Leader), but rather a newcomer: a young Autobot named Hot Rod. He is brash, cocky and impulsive, and is appropriately voiced by a bad boy member of the ’80s Brat Pack, Judd Nelson.
Hot Rod experiences personal growth both figuratively and literally in this film, and has to overcome some serious setbacks – one of which includes inadvertently helping Megatron kill Optimus Prime early on in the film. A setback like that (along with the increasingly hopeless situations the Autobots find themselves in) would be enough to paralyze most into giving up. However, this film does an excellent job illustrating that perseverance and persistence pays off.
In the end Hot Rod becomes the new Autobot Leader, and he earns the role precisely because of his bravery and acts of redemption throughout the film. He displays grit, quick wits, confidence, and toughness. A lesson like this I think is highly valuable to be exposed to as a kid, and I am thankful that I was.
And so it is fitting that the song “Dare” which was produced by Vince DiCola (and co-written by him) and performed by Stan Bush (perhaps best known for “The Touch” which we will get to later) can be largely considered Hot Rod’s main theme in Transformers The Movie. It plays during Hot Rod’s introduction, as well as while he leads the attack against Unicron during the final battle of the film. The vibe of the song is stunningly vivacious, and shines with the splendor of a cloudless day over green rolling hills during the month of May.
But not only is the music of the song itself incredible, but the lyrics are utterly inspiring. Check out the lyrics below:
Verse 1:
Sometimes when your hopes have all been shattered
And there’s nowhere to turn
You wonder how you keep going (going)
Think of all the things that really mattered
And the chances you’ve earned
The fire in your heart is growing (growing)
You can fly, if you try, leaving the past behind
Heaven only knows what you might find
Dare, dare to believe you can survive
You hold the future in your hand
Dare, dare to keep all of your dreams alive
It’s time to take a stand
And you can win, if you dare
Verse 2:
Everybody’s trying to break your spirit
Keeping you down
Seems like it’s been forever (ever), oh
But there’s another voice if you’ll just hear it
Saying it’s the last round
Looks like it’s now or never (never)
Out of the darkness you stumble into the light
Fighting for the things you know are right
Dare, dare to believe you can survive
The power is there at your command
Dare, dare to keep all of your dreams alive
It’s time to take a stand
And you can win, if you dare
Killer Instrumental Break – Vince DiCola does his thing
Chorus to end:
Dare, dare to believe you can survive
You hold the future in your hand
Dare, dare to keep all of your dreams alive
The power is there at your command, oh
Dare, dare to keep all your love alive
Dare to be all you can be
Dare, there is a place where dreams survive
And it’s calling you on to victory
Dare, dare…
And finally, below you can hear the song in its entirety while watching a skillfully edited fan-made video which actually syncs the track to the exact moments the song is used in the actual film. This video also does a good job of showing Hot Rod’s journey from youth to leader.